There is a compelling absurdity about this series of work. Somewhat irreverently titled, WTF’s are at once a celebration and a resignation to Peter’s practice as a glass artist. Complex, provocative, indulgent and audacious – what’s not to love?
Surprisingly, a selected entry for the City of Hobart Art Prize, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.
Unsurprisingly, not a selected entry for the Tom Malone Prize, Art Gallery of Western Australia.
"Almost all my work starts with some odd, random experimentation – a period of research and exploration with no defined outcomes or intentions. It’s part of the enjoyment, part of the frustration and essentially it’s a critical part of the process. My natural inclination is to try to resolve and refine this experimentation – to contain it, to encapsulate it and rein it in.
WTFs are partly a reaction to this familiar way of working. They are a deliberate indulgence in staying out there in the mess and craziness of a creative process. There’s an energy about being out there that I find compelling and that I think finds its way through to the work.
It’s all part of getting to be comfortable with being uncomfortable again. I like to think of it as an expression of a mid-career crisis. A personal memo to myself to not take my career too seriously, and to keep an energy of curiosity and exploration at the heart of my practice."